Sunday 13 April 2014

Technology Usage in an International Setting: Kuwait Edition

My teaching journey has taken me from the security of Canada to the uncertainty of the country of Kuwait. Upon arrival I was unsure what subjects I would be teaching or the technology available at my disposal, my expectations of limited resources was meet. Unfortunately for these wealthy students, their school is operated as a business and is lacking numerous technological benefits. Fortunately these students are from wealthy families and mostly have their own devices or personal computers, sometimes both. The classes, are mostly, equipped with basic projectors which are able to connect to computers or laptops. The usage of video and music is scarcely known in the school and I have quickly developed a popularity among the students for implementing the usage of these basic learning modalities. Generally I am able to continue working as normal, minus the fact that their are no computer labs and students have not received formal training on computers. The difficulty in attempting anything in terms of technology is ensuring that everyone understands the basics such as Word! and PowerPoint! before proceeding. The international baccalaureate program at this particular school is enormously comprehensive and complex, requiring students to behave and engage with material as if they are at a university year one or two level. Students are also required to write research essays based on periodicals, books, and peer-reviewed journals accessed at a library or on-line database. In an attempt at technological integration I provide many tips and tricks, as well as sites and programs which will be useful in their later careers. Building digital portfolios, writing blogs, website creation, filming and editing digital videos, and constructing digital presentations are among the other skills I am attempting to impart. These students are both capable and ready, but the background knowledge needs to be built. The classes operate in a traditional sense with lecture but also infuse historical discussions and debates in correspondence with technology infused assignments to build positive on-line identity.  

This Channel is great for Geography issues: