Monday 1 June 2015

Festival du Voyageur

Here is a selection from the Wikipedia page:
The Festival du Voyageur (literally translated as Festival of the Traveller) is an annual 10-day winter festival that takes place in WinnipegManitobaCanada. The event is held during each February in Winnipeg's French Quarter, Saint-Boniface, and is Western Canada's largest winter festival. It celebrates Canada's fur-trading past and unique French heritage and culture through entertainment, arts and crafts, music, exhibits, and displays.

For Teachers and Students:

Aside from the multi-faceted avenue of french culture and language, the event offers an excellent means of historical interaction and study, which will allow students to understand the revelance of Manitoban history and further that of Canadian history. The music, dress, location (Fort Gibraltar), food, and language allow for a fully engaging, immersive, and interactive environment. Teacher Bonus Overload!!!!

Check out these links:,profile/0786/festival-du-voyageur
