Wednesday 5 March 2014

George Curos: Job Hunting

Clean the Facebook but keep the "you" element. Tweet and Blog important information and express your ideas about education. Create an eportfolio and carry a small paper one in case technology fails. Eportfolios allow you to carry your ideas, lessons, plans, etc. in a convenient manner. The prospect and benefits of linking to the web in a positive way, in order to share information, network information, and build a constructive and dynamic on-line life. The importance of staying current the current books and articles that are relevant from teachers in the field are more important than the articles from a century ago from John Dewey. It is important to over-communicate with parents so they know their child is loved in the school, that positive rapport is key in case there is ever a reason to communicate with parents concerning negative behaviour. Overall it would appear strange if one could not be readily located on the Internet, communicating positive knowledge and ideas.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Life, Education, and Technology: Final Project for Internet for Educators

So I began with a Power Point and recorded my voiceover on Audacity, added music and merged into a mono track, instead of the stereo track. This all went to plan. Created a PowerPoint and sourced my images. All the while believing I could upload this to the site Slide Share, but unknown to me the site stopped allowing audio uploads as of three days before my project. So with anger and heavy heart, I put the sound in line with my slide show and timed the slides. I didn't like this setup, so I converted the PowerPoint to a series of JPGs, then placed the images along with the audio into PhotoStory 3. Then on each individual slide I had to set the duration and transition to ensure the slides were approximately in sync. In the end the experience was a time-consuming challenge I learned from.