Wednesday 5 March 2014

George Curos: Job Hunting

Clean the Facebook but keep the "you" element. Tweet and Blog important information and express your ideas about education. Create an eportfolio and carry a small paper one in case technology fails. Eportfolios allow you to carry your ideas, lessons, plans, etc. in a convenient manner. The prospect and benefits of linking to the web in a positive way, in order to share information, network information, and build a constructive and dynamic on-line life. The importance of staying current the current books and articles that are relevant from teachers in the field are more important than the articles from a century ago from John Dewey. It is important to over-communicate with parents so they know their child is loved in the school, that positive rapport is key in case there is ever a reason to communicate with parents concerning negative behaviour. Overall it would appear strange if one could not be readily located on the Internet, communicating positive knowledge and ideas.

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