Thursday, 20 June 2019

Final Video Project: Educational Technologies in a Neoliberalist Framework

Despite the rough drafts and editing, my presentation is still longer than the stated maximum. The original version was thirty long minutes of me jabbering, but this refined version is concise and coherent. It is just shy of ten minutes but my main fear was further trimming something that had already been cut so fine. I did not want an incoherent mess after spending twenty plus hours on a product (that is with the writing and rehearsing time)! Can you tell that I am nervous about going over the time length? I believe the final product may just save me from any penalties. I really want to use a screen recorder but I could not get it to work on my computer. Check one out here. The difficulties I had uploading the video should not be understated, Windows Movie Player disorganized my audio repeatedly (several times to be exact) but I'm stubborn and finally found a version of PowerPoint that converts videos into MPEG-4. I love MPEG-4, fast and clean conversion!

Please enjoy and comment!
Educational Technologies

I have also shared the presentation on SlideShare. Please note that the presentation must be downloaded to hear the audio. Check the link below:



  1. YouTube video link:

  2. This was SO GOOD! I did a little video too, but am nervous that it was what Mike was asking for. I did a first try and it certainly wasn't. Tech is a part of our lives, like it or not, and we have to learn to deal with it.
