Wednesday 29 January 2014

Necessity: The Mother of Invention and Mother of an Obstacle

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."  -Albert Einstein

"Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons."  
-R. Buckminster Fuller

"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man." -Elbert Hubbert

"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." -Stephen Hawking

The ultimate conundrum, the necessity of technology and the resulting advancement is creating a circumstance in which humans are losing the traditional notions of humanity. The deus ex machina is taking solace in the knowledge that our technological innovation is for the ultimate benefit of an ever expanding humanity. Considering the first two quotes, which respectively deal with our loss of humanity, is it necessary to strike a balance as an elimination of technology is not an option? Consider the image of Gandalf the Grey and the Black Knight, are we at a seemingly impassible point? The advent of knife, the wheel, penicillin, the computer were all hailed as a necessity to improve the lives of humans, does television or video games share the same glory? All matter of perspective, empathy becomes a requirement. The "loss" of our humanity may be rightly challenged, when one reads the final two quotes at the top. New technologies out preform human beings and assist us in understanding our universe, is this not a positive in lieu of some traditional aspects of humanity? Quod erat demonstrandum we have medicine to cure diseases and space craft that leave Earth. Human ambivalence and laxity in critical thinking may be the trade-off for comfort. Food for thought.

Environment Cost of Technology

Disconnection from the Natural World

As the age old adage states, "necessity is the mother of invention." Today, the impact of connectivity through technology and availability of comfort and entertainment creates a rift between man and nature. Less time is spent connecting and learning through nature and more emphasis is placed upon classroom learning and technology. Learning in the classroom is rather a new process, which has shifted from being within a natural environment. Outdoor education has been shown to increase cognitive ability and social skills in people. Unfortunately, children  and their respective parents have become increasingly callous in regards to being in nature, which is more than just seeing it. Technological comforts such as tablets, video game systems, smartphones, etc. generate an atmosphere of entertainment which is more stimulating and immediately satisfying to people. Disconnecting and actively engaging with the natural world reduces stimulus and allows the learning, creative, and explorative mind to view the world; instead of being aimless shown stimulus.  

Smartphone Impact

Aside from the the dangers of social health degradation and radio frequency (RF) radiation,  smart phone manufacturing has a dangers human cost to those involved in the process.

Check these statistics and numbers:

Coltan are contains a heat-resistant substance vital to the capacitors in every smartphone. Up to 80% of the world's coltan reserves lie in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In less than two years of bloody warfare, the Rwandan army made of $250 million stealing coltan from the DR Congo. Tin is the main component of every one of the 7000+ solder points on your tablet. Over one-third of the tin mined in the world comes from Indonesia, where workers die every week in illegal mining operations.

Manufacturing our smartphones takes a heavy toll as well. In 2007, 18 workers attempted suicide at a Foxconn plant—Apple's notorious Chinese manufacturing partner. 43.2% of China's state-monitored rivers are classified as unsuitable for human contact while recycling centers like Guiyu experience 6x higher miscarriage rates, 7/10 children with high blood-lead levels and the highest level of cancer-causing dioxins in the world.

Deadly Cost of Smartphones:


Tuesday 21 January 2014


Urban Dictionary: Trolling
Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.

Responsible Digital Citizenship Must be Taught in a Global Age of Interconnectiveness, Especially in Regards to Youth Gamer Culture and Social SitesIf you wouldn't say it to someone, then don't share it online.


The importance and popularity of certain technologies is often reflected in the prevalence of those technologies in North American popular culture and media. Those technologies such as Google and Google devices and Apple and Apple Products are available to people across the globe. The development of these devices and technologies is driven by the demand of North Americans seeking an easier life, one that is connected and isolated. Isolated physically, represented digitally, and socially connected through technology. Human agency, that is the idea that humans can make their own choices, and ownership are being reduced through careless use of technology and the massing of these technologies in the population. Inappropriate information and irresponsible response to information is one of the main components of youth use of computer technologies. I draw attention to the following definition:

Urban Dictionary: Californication
Western society's pop culture and media encroachment and spread all over the world. In particular, the negative aspects of media and culture originating from within the United States' 31st State: California.

The ubiquitous availability of information enables youth culture to flourish under the guise of superior intellect. All answers are a click away. The critical thinking component is lost through the digitalization process. The more integrated youth become, in conjunction with unregulated use, results in a disastrous line of thinking that causes disconnection from the physical world.  With appropriate, guided usage physical artefacts created in the classroom can be shared around the world and ideas can be forged through critical analysis of available information. The influence of media and pop culture can be reduced with the judicious application of critical thinking. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Digital Reality

On y va! Youth today find a purposeful identity in the digital world today. The separate realities allows for an amount of freedom and detachment, in which youth can rebel and forge an image of how they want to be perceived. Digital identity is a collection of all on-line activity that contribute to a person digital footprint. This conception of person is becoming the norm versus reality, as we are often judged digitally. When finding a job, anything posted is suddenly transformed into a magnum opus in the eyes of others. Compressing individual identity into a digital framework is quite the reductionist idea. People are overtly and subversively pressured into using technology and forging a digital identity as everything is done on-line. The assimilationist concept is not necessarily negative. In a competitive world a quick look at a profile should provide an image of the person being represented, but only a temporary substitute. Technological determinism is the theory that technology drives societal development in terms of social structure and cultural values. This is quite a frightening concept, as technology not society itself is driving society. This is not to say we do not possess any control as society orients technological needs and desires. Educators must help students understand the concepts of digital citizenship and responsibility. In a digital age, actions on-line have a lasting impact. Students need to maintain reality and understand their actions on-line may have a real world impact, especially through cyber-bullying.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Internet for Education

I have returned from my long absence from blogging, to return for the purpose of connecting and interacting with other professionals. Internet for educators, more than just a university class, it has become synonymous with the teaching profession. Modernity and the ubiquitous availability of technology and the drive for connectivity demands professionals to be in-tuned with this medium of communication. Communication between professionals enables the sharing of resources and ideas, beyond this it helps students acquire information and concepts more readily. Students need to be guided in responsible use of technology. Technology has completely revolutionized the availability of resources, but technology has begun to shape those who utilize it. Technology is excellent, but complete dependence is something that must be avoided at all ends. Pedagogically students must see technology as a tool not a life support. 

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught" -Oscar Wilde