Tuesday 7 January 2014

Internet for Education

I have returned from my long absence from blogging, to return for the purpose of connecting and interacting with other professionals. Internet for educators, more than just a university class, it has become synonymous with the teaching profession. Modernity and the ubiquitous availability of technology and the drive for connectivity demands professionals to be in-tuned with this medium of communication. Communication between professionals enables the sharing of resources and ideas, beyond this it helps students acquire information and concepts more readily. Students need to be guided in responsible use of technology. Technology has completely revolutionized the availability of resources, but technology has begun to shape those who utilize it. Technology is excellent, but complete dependence is something that must be avoided at all ends. Pedagogically students must see technology as a tool not a life support. 

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught" -Oscar Wilde


  1. Good opening post .. here we go on another adventure!

  2. I am pleased to see a Nelson Mandela quote in your blog Jeremy. I think he was an outstanding man, and left us with many great educational thoughts. I enjoy that your post is about the importance of teaching responsible use of technology, it is something we as educators will be fighting against in our careers. I whole-heartedly agree with you when you say technology needs to be a tool, not a life support. I have never thought of it like that and I think we all (as a society) need to start.
