Tuesday 21 January 2014


The importance and popularity of certain technologies is often reflected in the prevalence of those technologies in North American popular culture and media. Those technologies such as Google and Google devices and Apple and Apple Products are available to people across the globe. The development of these devices and technologies is driven by the demand of North Americans seeking an easier life, one that is connected and isolated. Isolated physically, represented digitally, and socially connected through technology. Human agency, that is the idea that humans can make their own choices, and ownership are being reduced through careless use of technology and the massing of these technologies in the population. Inappropriate information and irresponsible response to information is one of the main components of youth use of computer technologies. I draw attention to the following definition:

Urban Dictionary: Californication
Western society's pop culture and media encroachment and spread all over the world. In particular, the negative aspects of media and culture originating from within the United States' 31st State: California.

The ubiquitous availability of information enables youth culture to flourish under the guise of superior intellect. All answers are a click away. The critical thinking component is lost through the digitalization process. The more integrated youth become, in conjunction with unregulated use, results in a disastrous line of thinking that causes disconnection from the physical world.  With appropriate, guided usage physical artefacts created in the classroom can be shared around the world and ideas can be forged through critical analysis of available information. The influence of media and pop culture can be reduced with the judicious application of critical thinking. 

1 comment:

  1. I was really hoping that this thread was about The Red Hot Chili Peppers, but I guess I can make do with this one. Western society embodies efficiency, 'democracy,' and consumerism. Technology is the pinnacle of efficiency and catalyzes everything it touches. From the television to the iPhone, things became easier for people. Dishwashers allowed lonely housewives more time to enjoy their soap operas before they were tricked into going back to work, all for the progression of society. But at what cost? Technology, the very thing that is intended to make our lives easier, is the same force that drives us to do more and more and perpetuates the need for speed and efficiency.

    That's one side of the coin. Like everything, moderation is key. Reading is wonderful, but not to the point of isolation. Fitness is great, but not to the point of dangerous obsession. Socializing is nice, but not without personal growth. Balance is key to everything. That is why it is necessary to teach kids how to use these technologies and not assume them to be the only way of life.

    Use technology to move forward, not run into poles while playing games on your smart phone.
