Friday 28 February 2014


About.Me what a wonderful site, allowing you to readily and easily display pertinent information about yourself and links to aspects of your digital identity. Check my page out here. The site allows you to quickly edit and format a personalized web page, with a quick biography and background picture. You can also link Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, and Instagram to your biography page to allow people to instantly learn about your online life. Kind of scary to see your life summed up on one page. Check out my other links for more about me.

Link to my weebly classroom site:
Link to my weebly professional page:
Follow me on Twitter: @J8M8R

1 comment:

  1. I think that creating an "about me page" is a great idea! When future employers "google" me this is the type of information I want them to find. I want them to see me as a professional, so why not have an online business card be the first thing that pops up on their screens!
