Thursday 27 February 2014

WikiWiki: Now We're Speaking Hawaiian

WikiWiki: Fast or Speedy in the Hawaiian Language. What is a Wiki? A Wiki is a platform which allows the simultaneous social construction of a web page. Each person can take responsibility over a specific section and add pertinent information, video, graphics, links, etc. In terms of the enormous educational value that they possess, students could potentially work as an entire classroom entity on a single project. That project could then be shared with the global knowledge commons. Students feel, rightly so, that they are creating and contributing to the real world knowledge base instead of just for a specific classroom assignment. This is the perfect cooperative learning experience! To get started try Wikispaces! Wikispaces also has a space specifically designated for classroom use where a teacher can measure the level of student contribution, provide a safe social networking, and provide remote learning. Every teacher should use a Wiki once in awhile.

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  1. Jeremy, using wiki's are such a great resource for everyone who wants to use them and especially for student use. Feeling like they have contributed their knowledge somewhere outside the classroom, the world in fact, would be such a great feeling for them. I know I would feel pretty cool :) I'm glad we were given the opportunity to create one in Mike's class.

  2. I totally agree with your post Jeremy, wikis are such a great tool for teachers to use. I especially agree that students like to feel like their learning as a purpose and place beyond the classroom and wikis are an easy to make that possible.
