Monday 17 February 2014

Digital Immortality and Downloading Consciousness

Let's begin with a foray into an increasingly electric topic, digital immortality. If we asked someone who subscribed to Singularitarianism,  Extropianism, or Transhumanism, which are all part of the Futurist movement, if human enhancement or immortality could be achieved through a technological medium they would probably agree readily. Why? What are the scientifically backed philosophical ideas? Current technology surely enhances our capabilities and extends our mind, even giving us an on-line identity and avatar which are more-or-less immortal. Read this great article here. Through the usage of cybernetics, past theorists have speculated that the use of intelligence amplification (IA) (Not AI: Artificial Intelligence) and exocortex technologies could vastly increase the brain's high-level cognitive processes through augmentation. Bionics currently assist people with limitations. Transhumanists believe that eventually the human condition will be transformed by available technologies which hugely enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Moore's Law proven true consistently, bodes well for the future of technology. Is it a lot like cybernetic organisms and biomimicry? Surprisingly yes and no! Yes because humanity and technology are so intimately bound now, future advancement will only solidfy the bound which has been cast. Can't put down that phone it may soon be installed in your body. No because technology intent is limited to human enhancement not replacement, so long as we don't depend on an artificial intelligence or an unregulated singularity. Currently our digital existence consists of Facebook and Twitter account and perhaps a blog, control superficially by our conciousness. Extropians believe that advances in science and technology will some day let people live indefinitely. Estimates for downloading of the human conciousness range from 2045 to 2050, but at humanity's developmental rate the date could approach much sooner. Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, claims that the biological parts of our body will be replaced with mechanical parts and this could happen as early as 2100 and that we could become digitally immortal, an event called singularity, in just over thirty years. Dr. Randal A. Koene believes so much in the future of downloading the conciousness, he began a program dedicated to whole brain emulation. (See Carbon Copies) Philosophical questions arise: Will the downloaded mind be truly the person they once were, as the body is gone? What are the capabilities of the mind connected and open to the infinity of cyber-space? Would the consciousness exist in reality or simulated reality? Is this true existence? Talk about a digital footprint! Check out Johnny Deep's new movie Transcendence.

Check this video for a succinct explanation of downloading consciousness:

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1 comment:

  1. That quite the notion: Europeans believe that technology will let people live indefinitely. I guess once your digital footprint and digital identity is there, how can it go away?
