Wednesday 12 February 2014

Infographics: the Infinite Possibilities!

If we choose only to utilize text in order to comprehend and analyze complex information, the task is incredible difficult. Naturally we devised an easier system of interpretation, INFOGRAPHICS. Infographics are simply a method of reducing text size and intricacy through the use of visual explanations.Visual tools allow the creator to explain enormous amounts of data relatively clearly with immediacy. Conceptual, infographics are far more engaging then traditional text for both student and adult. The reader is able to see the key ideas, often the relatedness, and complex information summed up in a quick graphic. Graphically the associations between text and images allow students to forge connections in their minds more readily and increase information retention. The infographic also gives students the ability to acquire complex concepts quickly, so they in turn can disseminate the information to other students. Giving them Ownership over information! Now imagine if they created their own inforgraphics based on large amounts of information that they would need to sift through and summarize and edit with visual representations. Oh the possibilities! Why inforgraphics see below:

Below are two infographics which I have used in classes in the past to give students the information in a understandable and convenient format. When I used these graphics they were hugely successful, impart because students could understand these enormous concepts visually instead of just through the use of numbers and text. Infographics are especially perfect for philosophical concepts, different perspective, and religious ideas which are often difficult to visualize in the mind's eye through text.  

Finally this is my first infographic, which I created using the site Piktochart. The site was rather easy to negotiate with a plethora of video tutorials, I was quickly an expert. The site has a number of blank templates which can be readily personalized with icons, images, video, font, bounders, colours, etc. I choose a philosophical idea for my first one and one which closely relates to academics, epistemology. The actual research, editing, and perfections took me a total of four hours. Despite the time spent, I was engaged and learning a lot of new information, which I can directly see working well within a classroom. In a classroom setting all students or groups can take sections of information and condense them into infographics for the rest of the class to have, perhaps even followed by a presentation of what they learned, why they choose certain sections of text and graphics, and they would enjoy learning in the future. The basis of Inquiry. Fun!

Thank you and feel free to leave a comment or suggestion!

As an aside:



  1. I think that there are so many ways we can use Inforgraphics in our classrooms. I think that they are a great tool to use when getting students to demonstrate their new knowledge or research of a specific topic. Students often have trouble synthesizing information especially in middle years. This would be a great tool to use for summarizing text and stating the important points.

  2. Very interesting & well researched post. Impressive infographic too!
