Friday 28 February 2014

The Future

The Future! 
I have previously posted about the theoretical and philosophical musing about the future in regards to technology, here. With the cultural focus shifting ever more to the use and integration of technology, we can expected exactly the same for the future of education. Look at the K-12 Horizon Report. The Horizon Report examines the potential impact of technology on and use in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in the classroom environment. When I was going through the education system some years ago, we rarely (perhaps twice) used the actual internet for research and only typed on Microsoft Word a couple times a year. I am glad future students have even more prospects of technological usage. We teachers currently receive a comprehensive introduction to information communication technologies so we may become versed and continue in the exploration of the internet and applications, in the hopes that we use this knowledge in our own pedagogy. With the ever increasing reach of the internet, education will continue to become more and more inquiry-based and widely differentiated. The teacher moves to the role of a guide, helping facilitate student learning. Educators will continue orienteering themselves in an evolving world in order to relate to their pupils. Ethical use, responsible digital citizenship, and moderation should continually be instilled into our students' mindsets. Seeing the work students are doing in school today fills me with pride, as they can demonstrate their critical knowledge and inquiry in a summative project such as a digital story or video, all the while using all the multiple intelligences! Technological proficiency will enable students to survive in a culture which is technologically orientated. Below is an interpretation of me in school:

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1 comment:

  1. Hey great post! I like how you described the role of the teacher. Also, great clip. That movie always makes me laugh.
