Tuesday 11 February 2014

Using On-line Videos in the Classroom

The following videos displayed are related to the subject of geography and some of the associated problems with geography, especially in regards to map projections and country status disputes. These videos will give students the chance to explore some of the more dynamic and interesting aspects of geography. Vsauce and CrashCourse are excellent YouTube contributors, check them out! Throughout my brief stint as an educator I have been a heavy advocate and supporter of the use of multimedia within the classroom and especially student constructed multimedia presentations and general usage. Multimedia offers students a creative and interesting format to construct their concept knowledge and explore new ideas and display the resulting information with the aid of images, music, or video. If my school allowed and with parental consent, I would upload classroom videos on You Tube or another site for sharing. This would allow students to feel the work and knowledge their gaining can be applied to the real world. Aside from the extra refinements and time they would spend perfecting their videos, parents and other students would be able to view and comment on their videos. 

Links for Multimedia Production Sites:

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