Sunday 9 February 2014

Twitter: It's all About the Tweets

Social media is here, never fear. My personal journey into Twitter, took me further down the rabbits hole then I originally intended. #LewisCarroll #ThroughTheLookingGlass I first found the social media enterprise to be a stylized version of Facebook, although I knew rather little about Twitters broad abilities. After explore the infinite possibilities the hash-tag opens I was hooked. Through the use of a hash-tag followed by relevant text anyone can see your post by searching for key words. #HashTag With a 140 character limit, Tweets or updates need to be short, informative, and concise. This style forces a new line of summative thinking essential for students in the classroom. Twitter always user, such as myself, the ability to "follow" (subscribe) people or corporations, so that followers have the ability to see new entries made by these individuals on their news feed. Aside from the inconsequential babble from some of the people I am currently following, there existed numerous entries which were witty or informative, or in some instances both. As the image below suggests, one should write something more than pointless dribble. Numerous famous and important figures have accounts they active use, sharing critical pertinent news. For entertainment I am following a few notables such as George Takei (#Sulu) and Steve Martin (#Jerk) who often post clever remarks or hilarous links. For news and information I decided to follow al-Jazeera, BBC, and Wikileaks. #OpenGovernment The main benefit, which I can see, is the face that this tool is so conducive to professional networking. Through following and hash-tags people and organization can connect meaningful to share information in a revolutionary manner. The collaborative nature of teaching is definitely facilitated on this site. #I4ed Not to dote to heavily on this tool, there are drawbacks. #SadFace You are limited to 140 characters and the features take time to learn. Overall though, I would rate this tool as invaluable in the professional field. Follow me @J8M8R

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