Monday 17 February 2014

Sophia Palahicky and the Web Based Course (WBC)

Sophia Palahicky, guru of web based courses and instructor from Manitoba Education, presented in-class on the benefits and some of the drawbacks of holding classes through the use information communication technologies. Manitoba Education's site provides an overview of WBCs here. Sophia eloquently presented the pedagogical justification for utilizing a web based course within a school and the benefits for students. Benefits included things like the ability to conduct independent inquiry and research, focus by removal of classroom distractions, and benefits of digital production and networking. The main benefit I see for WBCs is for students who are unable to attend school for whatever reason and those who have difficulty interacting positively with other students. For myself, I immediately jumped to the drawback of socialization through a digital medium which inadequately conveys body language and allows for minimal contribution if desired. The format also allows students to quickly find and assume someone else viewpoint on Google instead of their own, weakening and cheapening their critical thinking skills. WBCs also promote the over-use of technology and social isolation. The system is far too impersonal and robotic to be used consistently as an alternative to the classroom. WBCs allow experts in a particular field to meaningfully teach students, but adversely detracts away from personnel within the school and community who may have similar knowledge but lack either complete understanding which could be acquired or credentials. Secondly experts can be replaced by videos created by other experts on-line in combination with student-directed inquiry in a classroom environment, which itself acts as a collective mind sharing and producing new ideas and information. At the foundation of Manitoba's educational philosophy is the need for inclusive education. My position, is that there are inherent values in WBCs but they do not out-weigh the far greater benefits of using ICT in the classroom under the tutelage and guidance of a teacher. My sentiments expressed by the late, great Charlie Chaplin:

Do you have thoughts and feelings on web based courses? Please share!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the values of web based learning, there is a place for it, and it is especially useful for the students who cannot be in the classroom. I also agree with you that it does not out weight the value of learning in the classroom, and that we can have the benefits of technology and interacting online while in the physical classroom.
